Sunday, May 16, 2010


Lately, I've been getting sick randomly, and often.  Nothing serious, just intestinal 'issues' and nausea.  (No, I'm not pregnant...)  I have been thinking that it's something that I've eaten, every time, but now, I'm beginning to believe I might be making myself sick due to stress.  It's not that I'm running frantically from here to there, nor do I have 10 kids.  I haven't taken an audition in a long time, and this one happens to be really important to me.  I usually don't care too much about the outcome, but I'm beginning to realize I'm internalizing things, and in turn, making my body freak out.  I'd love to think that it's something that I have eaten...but unless it's from a peanut butter sandwich.....  Haha.

On a completely different note, I need to organize my second bedroom stat.   This week.  I always put things off...but some furniture is coming at the end of the week, and a dear friend has agreed to move it in for me whilst I'm gone to the audition.  I of course am going to pay her for her troubles, but just the fact she's helping is SO nice.  Come to think of it, I need sheets for the new bed too.  Yikes.  *sigh*

Another random thought, I'm completely obsessed with streaming Netflix through my Wii.  It's awesome.  And I've been watching Law and Order SVU constantly (when I'm not practicing).  I've already seen every episode, but not in order.  I have found a few in the first season that I hadn't seen either!  I'm almost through the second season.  Love it.

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