Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Last night, my friend Liz and I opened our "stockings" at 2 am, because of COURSE Santa had already come.  We both come from families that are fairly small in the immediate family, and still do stockings.  Some years I like stockings more than others, especially when I'm in a rush, but not having family around this year made me appreciate it even more.  We gave each other a monetary limit, and filled the stocking accordingly.  "Santa" got me the first season of the "Nanny" TV show on DVD.  I LOVE that show and watch it every night on late night TV, so of course this would be a great thing to put in my stocking!  "Santa" got Liz some bath products, and some lip gloss. :)  He saw that she has an insane amount of good smelling stuff in her bathroom!

Today might be a challenge, but what would a Christmas be if not that!  Haha.  A few of us, (Liz, Raymond, Chris, David and I) are going over to Debbie and Phil's (harpist and trumpet in the orchestra) to have Christmas dinner around 1pm.  Why I say the word "AROUND" would be because Kansas City (and the rest of the midwest) was hit with a blizzard last night.  I use the word blizzard loosely, mainly because the weathermen are using it, but in reality, we only got about 6 inches.  Granted, it will be snowing all day today and most of tomorrow, but in MY eyes, that's just snow.  It was blowing around pretty hard last night, with frequent gusts of 40 mph+.  But, if a true blue CERTIFIED California girl can laugh and say, HELLO it's only snow people!, then I think we have nothing to worry about.  The dangers come in the fact that we don't have enough snowplows to cover the whole city, and most years run out of salt.  So basically, we have a blizzard because the city planners in KC are retarded.

This is my first year without any biological family around!  Usually, I have to split Christmas between my Mom and Dad, with visits to extended family thrown in.  This year, I made the cookies, wrapped the presents, and put up the tree all by myself.  It's different, but I thought I would be a lot more sad that I am.  It might have to do with the fact that I'm going home on Monday to see everyone, and also to the fact that I have Skype and can talk to ppl.  It's definitely not the "traditional" Christmas that I'm used to, but in many ways, I don't mind.  I'm still in my pj's and didn't have to get up until 10am!    This is my first Christmas to have an abundance of snow in the city in which I live!  After dinner today, I hope to get the 'kids' (haha) out in the snow, building the snowman, and sledding.  Could be fun!!!

I'll post pictures later!  Merry Christmas everyone!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

This Christmas

I FINALLY got my tree up.  Last year, it was up shortly after Thanksgiving.  We were supposed to go get trees from a tree farm about 10 days ago, but it was SO cold and snowing, so we decided to not go.  Haha.  I went to Home Depot with Liz last night and we picked out two beautiful trees.  Liz got a Frasier Fur, very slim and beautiful.  Green with lots of branches to hang lights on.  Mine is a Blue Spruce.  I think it's halfway dead, but it looks beautiful thus far.  It's about 6 feet tall, and REALLY wide.  At first, I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to have anything else in my living room, but after the relocation of my dining room table, all worked out.  Man, that was a rough time though.  I'm allergic to pine/anything living (haha), so wrapping the lights around it was kinda brutal on the arms.  I forgot to wear long sleeves.  Smart, I know.  I also don't have an angel.  I have always had one at home, and really miss it.  I have a star up there, and it's very beautiful.  I still have to hang ornaments, so I'm going to wait to take a picture until after I have done so.

This Christmas will be different than those in the past.  I have always (I think) spent Christmas with family, and this one will be my first working.  I don't actually work on Christmas Day, but I will be in Kansas City until the 28th.  I keep telling myself that it's just a day, and that the holiday can be celebrated anytime...but I'm not quite convinced.   I have great friends here, and we'll be together, but there is something about waking up on Christmas morning and having family there.  I think that this year will be the first to start creating my own traditions.  

If you are in the KC area, and want to visit, I'm here until the 28th.  All are welcome to sit by the tree, watch some movies, and eat cookies.  :) 

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!