Friday, August 28, 2009

Julie and Julia

I discovered the joy of cooking a few years ago, and I've really been "into" it for the past year. I think it's really fun to discover new foods and new ways to make them. Thus, I was REALLY excited to see this movie...especially since it has Meryl Streep AND Amy Adams in it. I enjoyed every part, and was not disappointed! In fact, it has inspired me to start cooking more, and to start cooking for more people. I have several cookbooks that I use, and the internet is invaluable, but does anyone have any recipes that they love? I would be more than grateful!

With the exception of a few bad words, the movie can be enjoyed by anyone who loves cooking, or loves movies. I'm not sure that small children would like it, but if it's not PG-13, it should be.

I've been up in Minneapolis for a few days, visiting, helping and hanging out with friends. My friend Amy had back surgery last Monday (almost two weeks ago), but can't drive for 2 weeks. I love the entire family, and since I had a week off, it was almost too easy but to drive up here and hang out/help for a week before I had to return to work. I love this city, and everything about it. We have had many walks around the lakes and neighborhoods, and almost every morning at 10:30am, myself, Maureen, Amy and their mom, Karen go out for coffee. It's a great start to the day. I've gotten to hang out with Hannah, Amy's daughter, too. She'll be a freshman in high school in 1 week!

I go back to KC on Sunday morning, and have a dentist appointment on Monday morning. Work starts on Thursday! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The last day of my normal life

My "normal" life consisted of many things, the most interesting (to ME) being shopping and traveling. Mainly in Dallas, but I've had my moments in KC too. Today was the beginning of the end for the rest of the year. I signed my life over to my orthodontist beginning at 9:30am. I've already gone through this in my teen years, but apparently I have to go through it for 18 more months now. Sigh. Oh well. THIS time I'm determined to keep my teeth perfect. But, the downside, it means that I will have $175 less each month for shopping and traveling. I'm just going to have to get more creative. Hmmmm......

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back at home

in KC.

It feels good to be back although I do miss all my friends in Dallas. It's a much slower pace here, which is very welcome but at the same time a little boring. :) I have made up for it by getting new shelves for my kitchen, and re-organizing the kitchen . I also got a new microwave! It's very nice, stainless steel, and was only $49. Whenever I find a deal like that, I somehow feel validated that I'm "beating the system". Haha.

I have gotten caught up on TV and sleep in the past few days, but have yet to unpack my bags from my trip. I always lag in doing this; I think because it forces me to accept that my vacation is over. I will have to do that today (or tomorrow) because eventually I'll have to do laundry!

I've also been getting caught up with blogs of my friends, which are always nice to read! I recently read Kristin's blog, and was sad that I missed my hometown fair this year. I LOVED doing that when I was a kid, and it's SUCH a great fair. I've been to many, all over the nation, but this one is very special. It's not too big, but quite big enough to attract mainstream headliners for the entertainment.

At the moment, they are testing the fire alarms in our building. It makes me want to scream, but at least I know that they work in case of a fire!

To do today? Unpacking my suitcase. Doing at least one load of laundry. Putting up the shelf in the bathroom. Finalizing the CD I made for my Mom's birthday. Working out.

I think that's enough. :)