Thursday, April 22, 2010


I'm so horrible about updating my blog.  *Sigh*  I'll be better, I promise! :)

Nothing terribly important or exciting has happened you can all sleep well tonight.  Haha, I'm suuuure you were worried.

The big news (big?) is that I moved.  I moved 'technically' on April 1st.  Ironically, it's pretty much the EXACT same layout, except that I added a second bedroom and bathroom off the kitchen.  And an unusually long entry hallway.  I'm sure you all know the bitching I've been doing on Facebook about my noisy upstairs neighbors, and alleyway.  I'm on the 9th floor now, and outside of random street noise, it's very quiet.  Currently, I don't have anyone downstairs or to the right of me.  Left, is Ms. Smokey McSmokerson, and upstairs are four Indian bankers here from India for a two month contract in a corporate apartment.  They are quiet, except when they drag chairs across the floor.  It's quite noisy when they do that, but man, they are nice, and don't (as of now) throw parties.  So far, I'm in heaven.  AND AND AND!!!! THE BEST PART....I don't use lights except when the sun sets.   Even when the sun is actually setting there is enough light in my apartment.   The sun wakes me up in the am, but I just smile and turn over to go back to sleep.  I'm so happy that I can see the sky (and amazing sunsets out the living room window from my couch!!!) that I don't even care yet.   (AND for those who know me, and know how much I love to sleep, this is HUGE.)  Haha.

Here are some pictures!

View from hallway into the kitchen (second bedroom on the right along with bathroom)
Second bathroom
View from kitchen into living room (see how I don't need lights even when the shades are drawn!!!!)
My bathroom
My first houseplants sitting on my kitchen window ledge getting a tan.  Haha.

So that's it folks! :)  

Also, I FINALLY got my internet fixed tonight.  Thanks to the help of David and his brother on picking out a router, I (again) FINALLY got one that works and will connect to my computer.  It's been 22 days since I've used my own internet.   22 days!  Most of the time I used a common connection, but it's nice to have my own secure one again.  Plus, it makes my viewing of Netflix through my Wii MUCH faster!

1 comment:

Grammy Pammy said...

Your place is lovely....and bright and cheery.