Saturday, April 24, 2010


Everyone has been complaining about their allergies lately.  For weeks!  I am allergic to everything (literally ALL pollen, dust, hair, mold, grass...whatever) and couldn't believe that people actually had allergies.  I was beginning to think that either they were retarded, or that I miraculously woke up one day and didn't have this huge problem that I've had for the past 28 years.  *Rolling eyes*  

Enter pollen domination on my body.

Yesterday, I woke up thinking that there was a great possibility that my head was going to explode and I would die.   My eyes burned, my face hurt, my head hurt, my nose dripped (super ew) and everything was swollen.  What the hell?  Seriously pollen?  You picked a day that it was RAINING to show up?  

Oh and thanks for not making Claritin, Allegra, Zyrtec, and Alavert work.  At all.


1 comment:

Kevin and Kristen said...

Allergies are no fun! Hope you feel better and it goes away soon.