Friday, November 19, 2010

November 19, 2010

"In the end, only kindness matters."

I need to be more kind to people.  I realized this last night.  I was babysitting this wonderful three year old.  We were having a great evening, and things were running quite smoothly (I attribute this to her great attitude, AND to the fact we were having pizza, candy and movie night.).  She hadn't gone to the bathroom all day, and despite being potty trained, had a HUGE accident.  We're talking, soaking of ALL layers of clothing, a towel, a rug, and having to run a bath to make sure we were all clean, big accident.  She knew she had done something wrong, and I knew I could have been upset, but there were no feelings of anger or frustration, only sympathy.  I gave her a hug and a kiss, peeled her out of the clothes, grabbed some bath toys and continued bedtime as usual.  Even when I have to say no 15 times, finally take something away from a child, and screams fill the air, no anger or ire fills me.  However, if the same situation, or something much less frustrating happens with an adult, I instantly get REALLY incensed and lippy.  Why is it that I assume adults can be more perfect than a child?  In some instances, of course, but in life in general? 

So, today, I am thankful for the gift of kindness, and the hope that I can remember to be more kind to others.

1 comment:

Kevin and Kristen said...

I agree. Kindness is so important. It can make your day so much happier when a person is kind to you.