It's been awhile since we have caught up with Pippy and Emma, but so much as happened! :) I've been able to see so many friends since I've been here, and had a lot of fun! Ice skating and mall trips with Kayla, dinner at the Perkins', movies, manis and pedis with Liz, hanging out with Katie and getting to reconnect with Jen, Ryan and meet their daughter Clara. She keeps you on your toes, and is a RIOT!
Pip and Emma have been good doggies, for the most part. I see more progress than regression...and I think it's just because they are getting used to me. I'm sure I'm going to jinx myself, I THINK Miss Em isn't going poopy in the house anymore! :) It's raining today, so who knows!? She always surprises me! She'll come into the room where I'm sitting, and will even come across the room to take a treat from me. Silly girl will only take the treat in the breakfast room, but hey, the first day, she wouldn't even let me put a leash on her! She and Pip play and play during the day, and sack out on the cool wood floor for some solid nap times. Emma is becoming less scared on our walks, and actually will come and ask for a walk now! I might have spoiled them by taking them every few hours when I'm home, but they are just too cute and LOVE to go outside!
Mr. Pippy is starting to have an attitude that is way bigger than his scrawny little frame. This little man has won over my heart completely and makes me laugh constantly! We're working on our leash manners outside. He's not unruly, but he does like to venture into the street, so we're stopping at all curbs and saying wait. With time, he'll get it! And when we're just walking, I say "No Street", and about 50% of the time he'll come away from the curb....haha only 50% though! :) He has this little prance that just makes everyone laugh. Inside the house, he will follow me around just 'making sure' I'm still here. Pip thinks it's SO funny to attack Emma's tail! He has started following me into the bathroom and checking up on me. I try and explain that I need privacy, but his little face just stares at me. I was SHOCKED yesterday when I woke up and found him upstairs, sitting at my door. I didn't think he climbed the stairs. Occasionally, he will paw at my leg...and turn to lead me to what he wants. Little stinker! Needless to say, we are becoming fast friends and I hope he'll start taking to the sit and leave it command. :)
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