Monday, June 28, 2010

Adventures of Pip and Emma: Day 1

I'm in Dallas now, house/plant/dog/cat sitting.  :)  I'm doing it for 3 weeks, for a friend who plays with the symphony.  Her house is lovely, and everything has the potential to present smooth sailing for the upcoming weeks.  However, when animals are involved, rarely, is anything smooth.

My friend left today, around noon, for her trip.  She is first playing with the orchestra in their residency in Colorado, and then going to visit family in Michigan.  She has a very cute house, 1920's tudor (I think), 2 dogs, 5 cats (indoor/outdoor) and a forest of plants.

Let's start with the plants.  This will present a myriad of problems in the next few weeks.  The first problem is the simple fact I kill plants.  I don't try, because I appreciate the clean air and beauty they provide, but they just commit suicide in my mere presence.  I hung on every word and instruction today in earnest hope I don't kill something.  There are trees outside that need watering every other day, pots that need it every day.  I have to attach the soaker hose every three or four days to five different spots.  I go to the neighbors' lawn and pots and water them too.  The houseplants are every five days.  I have written instructions.  I will not kill anything.  I will not kill anything.

As my friend is showing me everything to water, and all the hoses, I get bitten 16 times by mosquitoes.  16.  She doesn't get ONE bite.  *Sigh*  We weren't even out an hour.

Moving on to the cats.  I love animals.  ALL animals.  But, some animals don't love me.  This would include cats.  To clarify, cats LOVE me, because I'm allergic.  They love me way too much.  I love them too...but shouldn't.  I love to pet and cuddle them!  Her cats are indoor/outdoor so they aren't around all the time, and as affectionate as they are, I think some of them sense I'm allergic and I appreciate the fact they don't try and maul my face.  :) 

Next are the pups.  Pip and Emma.  They are the cutest names, and the cutest little faces!  I can hardly stand it!   They are rescues, which I love and applaud, but completely....bless their little hearts....neurotic.  They were both in cages the majority of their lives at a breeder, so I can sympathize with their problems. Somewhat.  :)

Pip is by far the more energetic and curious of the two.  He's a brown and black King Charles Cavalier and as cute as he can be.  Pip is 2.  He's very skinny and gangly.  Emma, however, is the complete opposite of Pip, mostly white.  She's, well, let's just say she has more to love on.  Emma's very afraid of everything, and pretty much stays in a corner of the house the whole day if not outside in the yard, with Pip.

At first, Pip and Emma were very scared of me.  I don't blame them.  I'm pretty scary!  I'm a stranger, and about 4,000 times as large as they are.  I'm downright terrifying.  Their Mom was home at breakfast, but not at afternoon walk time.  We think Pip goes to the bathroom in the backyard (through the doggy door) if need be.  Emma...not so much.  We took them out after breakfast, and w/in an hour, Emma had crapped on the floor.  EMMA!

In the afternoon, I spent about 15 minutes trying to coerce them to let me put their leashes on.  If you corner Emma, she'll let you, because she can't run away.  Neither of them bite.  Then, once Emma had hers on, Pip gathered courage and came to let me leash him up.  I'll be damned if I sit on the floor begging dogs to let me take them out to go to the bathroom when there is a chance she is going to poop on the floor anyways.  But, because I love dogs, I did.....making all those stupid noises and high pitched affirmations of praise.

Pip decided not to eat tonight.  Pip did not want chicken, rice and veggies.  Fine Pip, starve yourself.  I even tried to feed him by hand, and he wasn't having any of it.  Dogs won't starve themselves, so maybe he'll eat breakfast tomorrow.  I'm sure they are both stressed out to have me, and not their Mom, here.  

They both went on their walk very nicely tonight.  We walk very well together finally, but Emma still won't go to the bathroom on the walk.  *Sigh*   Pip did, and was very proud of himself.  He's such a funny little thing.

Off to bed folks, tomorrow is a new day!

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